
What should be paid attention to in the maintenance process of pneumatic ball valve

Abst:Pneumatic ball valves often need to be kept clean and tidy during use, and the transmission threads also need to be lubricated regularly. If a fault is found, it must be stopped immediately before use, and the fault can be eliminated after the cause is identified. So what details should be paid attention to in the maintenance process of pneumatic ball valves?1. The pneumatic ball valve should be evenly tightened on the packing bolt, and must not be recessed, so as to prevent the valve stem from ...

Pneumatic ball valves often need to be kept clean and tidy during use, and the transmission threads also need to be lubricated regularly. If a fault is found, it must be stopped immediately before use, and the fault can be eliminated after the cause is identified. So what details should be paid attention to in the maintenance process of pneumatic ball valves?
1. The pneumatic ball valve should be evenly tightened on the packing bolt, and must not be recessed, so as to prevent the valve stem from leaking and hindering the action.

2. The pneumatic ball valve can only be fully opened or fully closed during use, and cannot be used to adjust the flow, otherwise it will corrode the sealing surface and accelerate wear.

3. The handwheel should be used when the pneumatic ball valve is opened and closed, but the lever or other tools cannot be used, which saves the valve parts to a certain extent.

4. Close the inlet and outlet of the pneumatic ball valve, inject the correct amount of cleaning agent, and repeat the cycle of opening and closing the valve.

5. The pneumatic ball valve is lubricated with grease or sealing grease, and the valve is opened to make the valve move flexibly.

6. Let the pneumatic ball valve release the air in the valve body, check the valve seat seal, if the valve seat still leaks, adjust the valve core position.

7. After the valve core position of the pneumatic ball valve is adjusted, the valve seat is still leaking, and the sealing grease is refilled for testing.

GA-409 内螺纹联合软管阀